Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Einstein's belief that mass and energy and mass and inertia are equivalent is based on the conversion of mass to energy always being in units of the constant speed of light (E=mc2) and the inertia and mass are the same with Einstein because light masses are found by some experiments to fall at the rate of heavy masses near the surface of the earth. I hold that mass and energy and mass and inertia is saying much the same I think because all is made of motion, but just via the change of motion, not the somewhat arbitrary same rate of motion of the speed of light or the "constant" acceleration of gravity of Einstein.

 Since quantity of motion is always conserved, this is obviously the same as the conservation of mass and energy, because it is also always conserved. Einstein believed that the quantity of motion must be the same that unifies mass and energy. The motion of the speed of light in E=mc2 and the motion of the masses falling at the same speed in the Earth's field I think are not fundamentally derived from more general physics. Actually masses like the earth and moon and the earth and a stone fall at much distinct rates. Einstein's belief about gravity was that since mass A and B of 10 and 20 lbs supposedly fall at the same rate this was proof that it didn't matter which was moving the earth or the stone, just the relative motion. This was to be the actual foundation of the relativity of gravity. My later disproof of the Equivalence of Gravitational and Inertial mass is that to lift a heavy mass to the same height as the light takes more power and Einstein assumed they were the same, if you lift the lighter mass higher and drop it, like the moon falling faster around the heavier earth, the light stone you lift higher and drop drops farther and so faster. If you use the same force to accelerate both they will actually rise and fall at more than one rate, disproof of General Relativity. (All the "proofs" of General Relativity like the shift of Mercury are based on accelerations, where the speed of light changes not the uniform motion of the well proven Special Relativity where the speed is constant. They can't be "proofs" based on acceleration, the sun's acceleration is more than the earths or a comet's, so the sun is more privileged and at rest than the earth, so the idea of all observers being equally valid is disproof of this General part of Einstein's ideas about gravity.  Accelerations seem to be disproof of relativity.) Although mass and energy are both made of the same motion, since mass is heavy and energy is light, they would fall at slow and fast rates.

This distinction in mass and energy with both made of motion but one linear and the other angular so the opposite and having unlike properties locally, and so falling at different rates may explain why there is more matter than antimatter in the cosmos. Gravity would be the foundation field (See GRAVITY, THREE ELEMENTS of). E.g. all forces speak gravity, and the other forces are not so general, so gravity is of more import, from which all other forces would be derived. Gravity is always simple and the same to energize up to the electromagnetic and then the strong force. The strong force would distinguish matter from antimatter because although both are made of motion overall, even so like the mass and energy of the earth and a stone they are not the same, so the strong force would attract a + more than a - charge. Because the gravity is always simple and with implosion, the hierarchy of conservation laws causing the forces are mostly unified; the energized higher fields of electricity and the strong force always turn out the same being made out of gravity, and the strong force created out of this always chooses the + charge, so atoms made of matter and not antiatoms are mostly observed.

 In other realms of the cosmos more plus or minus charges may power the expansion of the cosmos by more like charges in our region perhaps, but because the gravity is simple and the result is constant and derived from the constant basic field of the gravity mass and not antimatter is more what
makes up the cosmos.

  Maxwell believed the more or less dense fields would have waves at any speed with no limit because all the usual waves we find around us have speeds that are derived from the density of the flow of the field. Maxwell used this simple idea to derive the speed of light exactly found by the Michelson Morley experiment and other experiments. So use of this  involves what I call General Wave Dynamics, or.GWD, Click Here (or see the link at upper left of page) If there is a force like the strong force, it being much more dense than the usual electric field could spin around at faster than light.

 It would always convert over to the speed of E=mc2 from the higher speed motion because at lower energy and longer range like an electron the motion is just at the speed of light while at high power like the strong force the electric charges would lighten up to go faster than light. This would explain the fractional electric charges I will here name "rishons" from the Hebrew for "most basic". Physicists believe these rishons make up the strong force particles like the proton and neutron. At usual power like in the lower energy electric field of Einstein, the fractional charges would unify to + or- one. The strong force is a short distance force just with more power, you have more compression so it occupies less space. So at short range the charge is not one, at longer range it unifies.

 The unified charge of just one or -1 by Maxwell's method has a constant speed of light according to the density of the field caused by the charges. If the charge is one and minus one, the speed of light is exactly as predicted, it too is unchanging. So at longer distances and lower energy than the strong force the physics would convert to units of the speed of light.

My version of Maxwell's vision about this has no upper limit about the speed. The strong force is more dense so it goes around faster, if there's no limit to the density there would be no limit to the speed..

 The strong force would always convert to the speed of light to lower the energy of a subatomic system only by plowing through the electric field which would resist the acceleration of the strong force by relativistic effects. The speed of light and thus the electric charges are always one and minus one outside the hadrons because the electric charges are in quanta. This is from some of the power of motion of electrons and other charged particles being used to make the usual sort of "energy well" or wall. Inside the well the motion of the field flow is much faster and fluid. Since it's tougher for the energy of the electron to flow over the top of the well-well or real good (as mom the English prof says) there is resistance also to the change in the force between the electrons, and the density stays the same, so change in the speed of light is also met with resistance. It could seem if you have the faster motion of the fractional charges of the strong force while they spin, the speed of light would be being continuously overcome and the wells would leak and in doing so they would generate heat. This would be like the problem when they were learning about the physics of the atom in quantum mechanics and the classic science predicted that the electron would give off some power and destabilize rapidly and no atom in the cosmos would be stable. So the faster than light radiation might be sealed inside the well of the particle.

 The Nobel prize winning Electroweak theory that unified the two forces of electricity and the weak force was about the two short range contact forces that are the source of the outward centrifugal forces, so it seems logical if energy is conserved that the two longer range implosive forces of gravity and the strong force since they are implosive and long range to balance the Electroweak physics would be unified as one gravity/strong force combination.

Although the details are as yet too complex to say just how gravity and the strong force could be unified, this general idea may tell us something about how the strong force may operate to allow the waves of the Strong force to move around at much faster than light past the fractional charges which would spin at 1.3 or near speed times the speed of light as with the tunneling experiments of Raymond Chou.  

 If the strong force is 137 times as strong as the electromagnetic field the waves would be moving past the much slower fractional charges.

  If the strong force is like gravity and gravity has almost or no friction, the strong force could operate by low friction, this would make the interaction between the slower electric charges not so definite and just of enough efficiency that it would make the electric charges go around at the measured speed not 137x the speed. (1/137 is the fine structure constant, the ratio of electromagnetism to the strong force.)

 If all the electric charges were on one side at 1/137th and the strong force were 137 times the amount of the quanta all the physics of the quantum numbers would be about the strong force without the complex balance it would take to make the more complex field with complex quantum numbers.

 Since the centrifugal and centripetal forces of the mesons and and other heavy masses balance, the strong force would seem to always implode indefinitely without some sort of loose connection between the strong force and the electric field, or more relativistic mass added by the fractional charges, or both, so there wouldn't be too much radiation seen not emitted! If the strong force and gravity are more unified in motifs they have in common in general, what we say about one may be also evidence for the other. If the strong force has a loose connection with the electromagnetic field and implodes past therishons at much higher speed without much influence this would also be how gravity would move past us in motion to the earth, most of the field would be inefficient, and with "extra" implosion.The extra flow would explain why all the galaxies are spinning too fast by gravity to not explode by the centrifugal force, this would be the dark matter which operates only by gravity, so we might say it is gravity..

 Even if the speed of gravity were at the speed of light as Einstein believed, this inefficiency would be necessary to explain why we don't fall to the earth at the speed of light, Einstein's speed of gravity. It seems there is extra flow of implosion left over for the longer range component of the field, gravity and the strong force.

 Otherwise the cosmos would leak out lots of radiant energy and this would violate energy conservation.

 While the strong force in GWD implodes at faster than light, quantity of the motion would be conserved between the strong, electromagnetic, and the weak forces, and the centrifugal force of the rishons would be the opposite of the implosion of the strong force with one subtracting from the other. In GWD the higher speed strong force would lose the amount of motion the rishons subtract by centrifugal force while imploding at faster than the speed of light. This somewhat adjusted value of the strong force would be reflected in the rate of the radioactivity of the weak force and could only be predicted based on the assumption of the relativistic change of mass (both of the faster than light rishons weighing less and the field having more relativistic resistance at faster than light) of the rishons to give the value of the centrifugal force.

 This value subtracted from the centripetal strong force implosion can then be used to calculate the adjusted value of the strength of the weak force which then expands out with the radioactivity at a rate that could only be so if the derived speed of implosion of the strong force is also at faster than the speed of light. If relativity and the speed of light limit were so, radioactivity would be weaker because the implosion at just the speed of light would involve a much reduced amount of momentum of the field inward, thus

 If a meson or baryon has this strong faster than light field and the strong force is much stronger and faster than light it might seem the strong force could fling one of it's own constituent particle systems with another one also using the strong force and by recoil the overall motion of the two particles could be faster than light, this may be true for a short distance as I say below and is a predicted effect of.  GWD is well defined in its predictions about the strength of the weak force compared to relativity.  Even so it's well known that there are no unconfined fractional electric charges and at longer distances Special Relativity is proven to hold up well, so at longer distances there would be slowing down in shelftop  experiments like Chou's (this would produce braking radiation even so at the edge of both baryons or mesons on separation and this is another prediction of GWD).  

The weak force is weak in name only. (The Weak force is also of short distance, and it has expansion to counteract the strong force which like gravity, radiates inward without.reradiance. The two main pairs of forces in physics, gravity and electricity, and the strong and weak force both are much the same. One implodes and the other reradiates to balance the energy by centripetal and centrifugal force. Gravity and the strong force are longer range attractive forces only and electromagnetism and the weak force are both shorter range contact forces. So if the strong force is just implosive and is strong, the weak force, although named weak is a stronger force short range, powering all the fission and fusion in a real sense, much like the sun's gravity is implosion but the short range reradiance of the weak force is what powers the sun's thunder storms outward, because neither gravity or the strong force radiate both are attractive. The Weak force and electricity are the only forces that repel.) So if left over power from the heat of the resistance of electric charges to acceleration at faster than light in the hadron must go somewhere, it would go inward to the weak force (W) particles and this would then speed up the weak decay that sooner or later makes most of the hadrons decay and eventually causes radiation outward with power.

 Something must power all the motion around us and this would be the squeezing of gravity or the strong force and then the reradiance at another energy of the weak force or electromagnetism.

 If all were convertible to the speed of light without resistance or friction like Einstein held, all the strong force particles would spin at the speed of light and be at the same electromagnetic density as electric charges so radioactivity would seem to be impossible. The relativistic speed of light, because of the light, would also be essentially electric. Thus if relativity was absolute, it would be just one big electric charge in subatomic physics of the same density of an electron, all the way from one side of low energy to the other upper levels of the baryons or mesons or more..

 Radioactivity may be powered by the extra heat of friction not described by Einstein. The radioactivity of the W itself, being inside the short range field can't reach the outside field except by way of longer range fields, which because of friction would slow the particles down to the speed of light. This would ensure via confinement (no external fractional electric charges seen in experiments) that all the conversion of the mass to the energy would be in units of Einstein's E=mc2 because all the decays and other motifs it seems would have to go through the mediation of the electric field to reach the outside, which would always slow the general motions of the particles to the speed of light or slower.

 I think it's arbitrary to think all motion is at the speed of light and all energy was convertible in just those units. Mass and energy are made of the same motion and are unified by this, but in GWD not by the same amount of motion like Einstein thought. If you change the density you change the amount of motion, and you can change it more generally like Maxwell thought because all around us are physics of many rates of speed of waves.

 Einstein believed essentially in just one speed determining all of the rest of the conversion. From my explanation it becomes obvious that the speed of light seems superficially to be the cosmic solvent, but this is just because of the well  releasing the light with reluctance. So the speed of light would be a sort of level of friction that higher and lower speeds can operate through, just as heat outside the well flows in and out but the field takes a while to flow out because of friction, and so on.

 There would be no limit to the speed, so it's possible a slow conversion of mass to energy like the sun could be more efficient. If the strong force going much faster than the speed of light inside a proton or neutron was doing somewhat more work than relativity would say to overcome the relativistic forces, perhaps if the electric field of the fractional charges could be reduced more, the strong force would have more of its power at higher energy.

 Electricity would be essentially compressed gravity by the general necessity of the implosion of the field like gravity being more important.

 This is an important idea with GWD. Waves are more fundamental and are more cohesive than particles, gravity like the strong force is only attractive, and as in relativity the top speed of the force would be of most import and this would determine all the rest of the physics.

 The expansive short range contact forces can't exist without the more important implosion first framing the general physics. I name it General Wave Dynamics.  GWD because the waves and the speed of the waves would be more important than anything else. Without something to hold all the fields in cohesion all the rest of the physics would seem to fail. This is the first of my Three Principles of the foundation of physics. Einstein's vision of the cosmos seems to be that of kinematics (motion without it's cause because it only is valid for uniform motion without respect to the changes in acceleration used to reach these uniform speeds) so I use the name Dynamics in GWD because this is about accelerations and uniform motion both, the field can flex to any great density or speed, all motion is not uniform.

Ways To Prove If Raymond Chou's Experiments Are Actually About Faster Than Light

First I want to look at Chou's experiment and how he and others have believed it must fit relativity. Chou used a simple lab tunneling experiment. Light goes through the mass target, an atomic layer of metal and emerges on the other side to be seen by the machine to have "stretched out". Part of the wave seems to be "faster than light". Actually further investigation has found that the extra light has "no information", the added speed is just 1.3 times the speed of light in general agreement with GWD (If the strong force is 137 times that of the electric charges, the inverse ratio of the two would also be about 1.3, which would be how the fine structure constant has its value.)

  Chou believed it was a walk in the storm around a building, in prosaic weather the marathon wannabe will have his or her feet around the edge of the building at the same time as his or her hat, on a real weather day you might see their hat first as they lean away from the wind (I always lean in the rain!).

  Chou believes the average speed of feet and hat you see is the same (as the speed of light) for both. The problem is if you move the leading edge of a wave forward and it is faster, it's faster. The wave has extra radiance for at least part of the jog , and relativity says this is impossible. Extra speed of any part of the travel even if trimmed off would seem to be so. Thus the lack of information GWD may improve.

  The wave has been trimmed to fit relativity, yet relativity says no wave is trimmed! This area of the wave is out. If it's always at the speed of light, that's it. By GWDthe wave starts at the speed of light, is up to faster than light inside the heavy target, then to be trimmed off by the long range quanta of relativity. Chou may have missed that the wave is not just relative to the rest of the wave, it's also relative to the distance travelled in the time...

 Einstein said, no body with mass or signal carrying information, can move faster than light with mass. While Chou believes in the signal with information he omits the body with mass even if the wave "carries no information" since waves, even random waves have energy and thus some mass.

I believe Chou was wrong and so information can be sent faster than light.

No doubt without the metal target it's not faster than light as most lower energy and mass move at slower than light to fit relativity; thus to send Faster Than Light signals to Mars we might need relay satellites between us and the distant counter. (Actually some have had the idea of relay stations to Mars like this for more common use like more supplies.) Even so at nearer distance this might be more of value, and even the relay might not have to be close if the overall speed was say 20 times the speed of light via enough near stations of enough power (the light speeds way up in the near booster and then slows, yet the overall time is fast so it's an overall way for the signal to reach Mars (or even distant worlds someday).

 Here are my hopeful ways to refine Chou's experiments;

 The tunneling speed on the opposite side of the baryon or meson would be reduced as much as it was increased by the opposite flow. This would be a check on the idea that the flow of the tunneling with the field was faster than light.

 Second if the proton targets are made more stable or cooled etc like Einstein thought, the Uncertainty Principle could be reduced by reducing randomness and thus increasing speed.

(Einsteins idea e.g. that this wasn't due to the space time itself would be gotten around either by a lower energy probe or other motifs as now are being proven about Einstein's idea.)

  Third, as above there would be some increase in the efficiency of the conversion of the strong force to the electric field as it would plow outward at faster than light from a collision or other high power event like radioactivity. So just for a small bit of a second the hadron or some of the hadron as a whole would be going outward from the power source at faster than light moving by the recoil. So the overall motion of the hadron would reach it's counter at a bit faster than light sometimes, with a bit faster clock of the speed if the spin flow were moving in the general direction of the heavy particle.

  If the strong force is faster than light I think we might be able to line up protons N to S to  send faster than light waves through them, proton wires might also make super strength materials bound by the force involved, perhaps a major improvement in science of materials, as I say here. Click Here or see link below if you like. 

 If these and other effects are found, while the speed of light would be like a large energy wall, Chou's tunneling experiment and the Bell theorem etc ect. already are proof it wouldn't be infinitely high. If the cosmos has existed forever and will exist forever because of energy conservation (the most well proven non quantitative theory in the history of science) since energy is neither created or destroyed, there would be an infinite number of times that high energy events like explosions may have boosted masses to the speed of light. If just one of these events had the infinite mass of relativity, it would have huge mass and would have engulfed the whole cosmos..

 The reason light doesn't gain infinite mass like this may be because if the electron essentially controls the speed of light via GWD.   the electron being finite resistance to the speed of light may be more a veil than a wall. It's well known that the speed of light is near 186,282 miles per second, but it never quite reaches "the speed of light what else!" So the "infinite" photon isn't infinite because it isn't exactly travelling at just the speed of light.

  Essentially this tiny change in the speed of light would mean the slow speed observer with heavier mass would have just a bit more gravity than the high speed observer with small mass. This would change the speed of light by the density of the field because the heavier slow speed observer has just a bit more valid frame of rest, the sun is more at rest than the earth and more gravity multiplies..

About the Noncommunication Theorem

This involves phase changes in light seeming to disprove superluminal motion, "where the phase signal and the group signal can be changed, but not the information signal".

  Even so, this is what goes on in quantum computing. The wave function is set with internal inputs to program the wave function collapse much as a silicon chip has input wires. The wave function then computes at much faster than light and this output is then measured as quantum computing and by its essence seems disproof of the noncommunication idea.

Possible Ways to Go Faster Than Light

One way for a high speed body to go faster than light might be to add a fluid of light or other radiation outside the ship to slick up the field. This is how torpedoes go four times faster than other machines of this type by some of the exhaust moved to the leading wave and this forms a layer of air around the outside of the machine.

  The starship would just use light instead of air to move the ship faster.

  Gravity may go faster than light by it's much lower energy density, the highest speed predicted by Maxwell's field density being inversely proportional to the speed, the much lower density may have much higher speed. In GWD the speed predicted is 10 to the 37 times the speed of light. (This is how much more dense the electric field is than gravity.) If F=ma (the same general equation as E mc2 but with more speeds possible than just the speed of light) with m small like the density of gravity, the acceleration becomes much faster for what may be the speed of the gravity. Since the density of gravity is small, the speed would be much faster than light. Waves in water move slower, waves is air like sound waves move much faster.

(LIGO may have merely found the speed of inertia since Mach like Einstein believed gravity and inertia are essentially the same. As Robert Sungeis says on his site while LIGO has found something associated with gravity, this doesn't mean it's found gravity itself. Click here or see link below. Sorry I couldn't find the link. The computer won't load it. Seea search like LIGO ICE CUBE SPEED OF GRAVITY my page in Bing or Yahoo etc for more and the link.

To prove or disprove this I imagine we might observe pulsars with jets that precess regularly and the gravity from the jet if strong enough would cause regular changes in the fusion of the orbiting star.

Like Olas Roemer's method of finding the speed of light by the delay in the motion of Jupiter's satellites, if there is a great delay as the speed of light signal found by LIGO speeds up or slows from the two stars if at right angles to us at a distance of perhaps a light year this will readily prove the speed of gravity.

The inertia  force of jets would reach and influence the fusion events of the distant star out of phase with the gravity event which would change the fusion at it's own phase. 

The  stars are at the moment of being at right angles to us one in, one away so that the speed of light of distance as by  Roemer's method doesn't offset our result. (Even so this could be found at other points in the orbits of the stars by subtracting out the speed of light change.)  

  Gravity is an acceleration and pulls us downward to one point as electricity lifts us up to many, so they are the opposite. If electromagnetism is mediated by the mostly constant speed of light and constant motion, gravity and its acceleration would operate by changes in speed. So the top speed of gravity predicted by Maxwell's method is of many continual changes of speed all the way from the top speed to the slower (even if itself Faster Than Light) speed near the energy level of electricity.

 Some physicists think it's possible gravity may be asuperfluid so I believe it may suddenly go high speed at near electric wavelengths by a change of phase, this may explain the distinction of gravity at this electric range from usual electricity at about the same wavelength. The usual electricity here shields and has friction, the electrogravity has no shielding or friction.

Physics Links With My Synopses.

"Click Here" and you see my link about the possibility of proton wires, which may improve materials science.


Copyright 2008-2024 by Charles Lawson.

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